Wednesday 9 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 8

What single adjective do you think would be most frequently used to describe you by those who know you best? Briefly explain. (Stanford)
            The adjective that I think would be most frequently used to describe myself would be Jaunty. I am the type of person who is always happy and lively no matter what is going on around me. I like to keep the whole environment happy and cheerful, and for that I have been successful. People who know me well can call me Jaunty because of whom I am inside and that has been reflected in my action as well.
            My friends can call be jaunty because of what I reflect to them. I may be feeling low at times, but I still keep the environment jolly and happy. People often ask me if I get angry with others because they never see me down. And my friends also ask me about how am I never tired of being lively and cheerful at times. I myself sometimes, question myself about why am I extremely cheerful, and that amazes me.
            My family; that includes my relatives, thinks that I am cheerful too. And it is not just my friends who think that I am cheerful most of the time. It is the same case with my family; they question me about why am I very happy. Sometimes they suspect that I have done something wrong, but that would not be true, it is because of who I am. Even with my family members, my liveliness always surpasses my down side all the time. I do get angry at times, nevertheless, I get back to being cheerful in matter of short period of time itself.
            The adjective Jaunty would therefore be the one to describe me by the people who know me well because of who I am. And the fact that people question me repeatedly about why I am very cheerful at time makes me a cheerful person and Jaunty would therefore be the best adjective to describe me.

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