Thursday 17 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 16

 Explain why and how you would, if given the opportunity, change a decision you made in the past. (Salisbury State)

If I was given the opportunity of changing a decision, that I made in the past, then, that would be to take care of myself properly. Taking care of myself would be the best thing that I personally think that I should have done in the past. Although, I could do that now, I think I think that I have missed out a lot in taking care of myself.
            I seem to be a person that is carefree about myself. And yes, I was and that was the biggest mistake that I have ever made in my life because, now I have understood about how taking care of self is very important. Taking care of others that are around us is important, but that does not mean that a person should not take care of himself or herself.
            If I never ate junk food like I used to eat, then I know for sure that I would have been in a much better condition now. And if I had cared about studying hard from the beginning, then, that would have made my things easier for me and that would as well as have benefited me considerably. Also, if I had actually cared about myself enough, to keep my body in good health, then I would not have been suffering with frequent colds and cough that I get in this high altitude.
            If I were to make changes in those sectors of my life, I would have a disciplined schedule that I would follow. I would eat healthy food in order to keep myself healthy. I would not consume much junk. I would study really hard that I would have to make my mother stop me from studying. I would go for fitness as well to keep my body in shape. These are the things that I would do if I were given an opportunity to go in the past and changed my decisions of eating junk food, not exercising, not studying hard. And that would have ,made a huge difference in my present. 

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