Monday 7 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 6

If you had a day to spend as you wish, how would you use your time? (Carleton College)

If I had a day to spend as I wished, then I would make the day productive and interesting. I would most probably wake up a little later than I usually do which would be around 8.30 am in the morning. I would try and make it very unusual.
            Most probably, instead of doing things normally I would love to do something that is out of the ordinary from my routine.  I would most likely not have right meals at right time. I am sure that I would have dinner or snacks instead of my brunch. Then, I would go out in a peaceful place, taking my guitar and my book along with me. Then, I would meditate on that very place for about an hour by playing my guitar and reading a book that I like.
            Depending upon the season, I would love to do the activity that would be the opposite of that season, example if it was winter, I would want to swim in cold water. Then, if it was summer then, I would most probably take out my snow board and try and play with it in a steep mountain. I would use the net but it would be for my personal pleasure and to learn how to play the guitar. Something useful I would do would be trying and polishing up my guitar skills. I would also want to experiment with food by cooking the food without looking at recipes. I would most probably go out for a bike ride for sometime just enjoying and listening to the voice of nature. And I would want to go to bed early, right after a long good shower.
            These sorts of activities that are crazy and unusual would be the type of activities that I would want to do for the day that I could spend like I wished for. Although, I may not be able to swim on winter or, snowboard without the snow, I would want to do the rest of the activities and spend my own day that would be full of pleasure.

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