Thursday 24 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 23

What do you hope to accomplish within the next ten years? Explain.
            To fulfill my dreams is what I would like to do within the next ten years. I have had a dream and that is to become a Pediatrician, for over ten years now. I am already in 11th grade and would really want myself to accomplish my dreams within the next ten years.
            It does take lots of effort to accomplish the dream that I have had for over ten years, but I know for sure that I AM going to accomplish that dream because I know that is why I am here on the earth for. Since I was a child, my parents always found me playing games with my friends that were usually medical related, and especially about how I took care of Children. I am still fond of babies and Children and I do desire to be around kids and work with them and take care of them, especially when they are sick.
            I myself have been experienced enough to know the pain as a child and that sometimes is unbearable and I would really want children to not suffer the pain. I would try and want to make their lives happy and although it is impossible a bit sick free life. Or if, they are diseased by any chance, I would not want them to suffer. And having these types of Goal I would really want to become a pediatrician and help out children who are suffering.
            Hoping to fulfill my dreams in the next ten years, I also hope that, lives of children will be saved even more. Having the passion for Children, and knowing the pain that they bear, hopefully, I do get to accomplish my dream about becoming a pediatrician within the next 10 years.

1 comment:

  1. A very nice dream!
    I'll look you up in 10 years to see if you make it.
