Friday 16 December 2011

Newt Gingrich

 Man of big ideas  by R.M
9th December 2011

Summary: This article is about Mr. Gingrich former house speaker from the Republican Party is a candidate for the nomination. And his thinking ability makes him different than other political leaders is what this whole article is about. Mr. Gingrich has come up with ideas that ordinary leaders would not come up with. And the thing is that the author of this article thinks that his ideas are nonsense. Mr. Gingrich has some great ideas for America to use the resources that is available. Although, Mr. Gingrich’s ideas are very interesting, his ideas and plans seem to fail according to R.M (author) as Mr. Gingrich’s idea include lunar colony that is for the moon to keep the earth bright even at night so that the street lamps or lights are not needed.
Response: I think that this article was really good not because the author of the article has criticized Mr. Gingrich, but for whom Mr. Gingrich is. I personally can relate him to my English class because, in our English class, we are meant to be critical thinkers which means that we think something that the rest of the world has not though about yet. And Mr. Gingrich also seem like a man who is a skeptical thinker and that makes me respect him more. Although, I am not really interested in political stuff around the world, the ideas of Mr. Gingrich has successfully made me like him as a person not as a political leader.

Words: 1) Aggrandizer
             2) Armageddon
             3) Predicament

1) Original sentence: Not only is Mr Gingrich not a problem-solver, he is a problem-aggrandizer.
Meaning: A) To increase power
B)   Enhance the reputation of someone beyond what is justified by the fact
    Origin: late 17th century from French aggrendis
Sentence: Mr. Plonka not only was teacher till he became a aggrandizer and became the head of High school

2) Original sentence: Reading the Gingrich catalog, you get used to intimations—or are they threats? —of Armageddon
Meaning: last battle between Good and the evil before the Day of Judgment according to the new testament of the Bible.
Origin: from Hebrew “hill of Megiddo”
Sentence: In the RE class. Mr. Wilkins and the class talked about if the good or evil won the Armageddon.

3) Original sentence: he phrased our predicament like this: “America is the most energetic, resourceful and innovative nation in the history of mankind.
Meaning: Difficult, embarrassing and unpleasant situation.
Origin: From Late Latin and the Middle English.
Sentence: Pauline was predicament after the Facebook posting that she posted on people’s wall.

Thursday 1 December 2011

30-300-30 no.30!!!

You are about to write your future college roommate a letter. Please provide the roommate with a personal story that will give him/her some insight into your personality. (St. Mary's College, MD)

Dear Roomie,
I am Yamima Sharma and I am from Nepal. I study at Woodstock school in India and I am graduating from here. You may be wondering about why I study at Woodstock. Well, it is because it is an International Boarding school and I feel home here at Woodstock. I have been staying at dorms for four full years already although; I have had the same roommate even when we do have the choice to choose a roommate.
            I am sure that you want to know more about me. Well, I am a cheerful person and it is very hard for other people to be sad when I am around. Sometimes, when I am with my roomie and she misses her home, I always make her laugh and well she gets distracted easily. I am a devout Christian girl and I love playing the guitar when I am at dorms. And everyday, for at least about fifteen minutes, I do play my guitar to get over all the stress that I had at school. And then again, I am lively and jumpy. I love talking, but if someone needs some time alone, then I do let that person to have his or her time to them self. I am fond of cooking and baking especially; I love experimenting while I am cooking or baking.
            I am really looking forward to be rooming with you and also to have fun with you. I am sure that you also will have a fun time with me and who knows, maybe we might just room together for the whole time we both are at the college. Hope you are excited about this upcoming adventure that we are going to go through together. Have a great time preparing to join our new college.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 29

What is your favorite word, and why? (University of Virginia)
            OPTIMISTIC is my favorite word. I am a person that likes to be optimistic all the time. And the word OPTIMISTIC has been taken from the word optimism which means to be hopeful and confident about the future or some kind of successful outcome. As it says, it is hopeful and confident for something good it makes me feel happy.
            I am a person who does not give up easily and I always like to think about everything in a positive way. I really like taking things in a positive way no matter how complicated the situation is. I personally feel good when hearing the word OPTIMISTIC because the word always gives me and inspires me to have some kind of hope although at times things don’t go the way they are supposed to.
            OPTIMISTIC has been my favorite word since the day when my parents talked to me and taught me to be optimistic in a situation where there was no hope. And after the lecture that my parents gave me after the situation, things did turn out good and as I took the advise of my Mom and Dad. And then, I learned that being optimistic does help in situations that may not be pleasant at times. As a human being, everyone does suffer and every one comes across some kind of situations that is very unpleasant and difficult to deal with. And at times, I do come across very difficult situations that are not easy and requires lots of time and patience and yet it seems to be failing, but at those times, I have learned to be optimistic and that makes my solution for that problem easier.
            To be able to deal with complicated problems is a gift that I have got because of the word OPTIMISTIC. And as a teenager myself I would want other teens also to think about the word optimism because that does help to deal with problems a lot more easier although one may think there is no chance of hope.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 28

If you were guaranteed a steadily improving standard of living (in terms of buying power, free time, quality of goods and services, etc.), would you be willing to give up your right to vote? Explain.
If I was guaranteed a steady improving standard of living but had to give my rights to vote, then I would rather take the right to vote because I think that every vote counts to make the society or the world a better place.
I personally think that being able to vote or the right to vote is a big opportunity to be involved in one’s own country. I would want to have the right to vote so that maybe my vote would count and maybe the party that I support might be the ruler of the country. Like the saying little drops of water make an ocean, likewise each vote has the ability to make a difference in the world.  And having a power, free time, quality food would come automatically after I choose the right to vote, because I would know that the party I knew would be able to accomplish goals such as having good services.
            I am also sure that that having a improving standard of living cannot be guaranteed because it is impossible to do those sorts of things because, there are people with many different tastes. Also, I can guarantee that steady improvement is also impossible because of the things that are going around in the world. And I would be really proud of myself to be a part of the country’s activity and if by any chance that my party would win, then I would feel accomplished. And even if they do not win once, there is always a second chance.
            To give up good standard of living for the right to vote would make me feel very proud and satisfied. At the same time having the right to vote would give me more freedom because it does not mean that I have to vote every time, neither does it mean that I would have a life that is full of junk without good standard of living.

Monday 28 November 2011

30-300-30 no. 27

Jogging has become extremely popular. Explain why you jog or why you don't.
Jogging has now become the habit of many people around the world. People have now started to jog for the benefit of their health and well, a popular exercise Yoga has made it even more popular.
     Staying fit is important for everyone around the world. And jogging is one of the exercises that is now recommended by people around the world. As fast food has been very common around the world, people enjoy eating fatty food therefore that has led in high number of heart attacks or heart related issues amongst people. Therefore, people go to doctors and the doctors recommend the patients to do some jogging. I personally do not go for jogging neither do I enjoy it.
     I do not enjoy jogging because, I live and study in place where there are many mountains, and therefore, there is enough exercises going on everyday. I do consume lots of junk food, but that does not make me want to jog because of where I live and the fact that I have no energy to jog because of the amount we have to walk everywhere and also the fact that I have lots of work adds on to the fact that I have a very busy schedule and that I do not have any time to jog.
Yes, jogging would be helpful for my health, but the fact that I am very busy as a junior in the school does not allow me to go for jogs. And the fact that doctors recommend it does mean that it is a good exercise and that it makes the risk of one having heart disease a lot less. Hopefully I will not have any issues with my heart so that I would not have to jog anymore.

Sunday 27 November 2011

30-300-30 no. 26

What are the most important extracurricular or community activities? What made you join these activities?
            Woodstock school, in India is my community now and I really feel very involved in it. As Woodstock is a boarding school, I am a part of the dorms and the activities that the school has. We have many extracurricular activities that are held by a group that is known as CARE.
            As CARE is an extracurricular activity that the school has for the community, I really like being part of it because it helps the community. CARE is responsible to organize social works that involves the students and the staff of the school as well. Through CARE we help children mostly, and other people that requires help from other people. And because of CARE I have been able to make new friends that are younger than me, and I have had opportunity to work, play and help Children.
            Also, as becoming a pediatrician is my dream, and this extracurricular activity that my community has involves children, has helped me to understand children and like children even more. Although, joining a CARE activity was first inspired by my friend. Her name is Shirly and she was the one who went to the orphanage and help out the boys from that orphanage and she asked me to try and come. Then, I first went to a CARE trip in 9th grade. First, I was not that enthusiastic about going for CARE, but as I went for the first time, I felt like I needed to be involved in it more. And then after that I went for the next one and that made me realize that this would help me to accomplish the dream that I have.
            And I think that CARE is the most important community activity that I am involved in because of what we do. To fulfill my dream, I feel and think that CARE has helped me to even be sure of what I want to do for my future as my career.

Saturday 26 November 2011

30-300-30 25

How have all your acquired experiences shaped your career goals?
            As a missionary kid, I have traveled around different parts of the world and have seen many things going around in the world as well. My goal for my career is to become a pediatrician. And the fact that I have been in many rural areas of the world has made my heart desire to work for children that are under privileged. 
            Getting to be a part of the helping aid has made my heart have even more passion for children that are sick and under privileged. My goal con be accomplished not only by just becoming a doctor and diagnosing and giving children medicine, but at the same time to play with them, and making sure that they get to enjoy their lives to the fullest. Having to get to go in a rural Village of Nepal, I started to have passion for children and that has led me to not be scared of them or, to get grossed out to play with them, rather, teach them how to do things correctly at the same time play with them and to be good friends with them and to have some good memories with them.
            To achieve my career goal or to become a pediatrician, my experience in a village of Nepal has helped me find or pick what I want to become in the upcoming future. Getting to know people especially kids with malnourishment has inspired me to become a pediatrician and serve people especially little children around the world. And being able to do some service with people has made my dream a lot more firm and I know that I will accomplish this dream because I know I can do it.

Friday 25 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 24

Describe a personal habit that helps to define you as a person.
Smiling is my habit and I smile most of the time. I am a cheerful person and hope my cheerfulness will remain for the upcoming years of my life as well. Smiling is a habit that I have and would perfectly fit to describe me as a person. I love to smile and make sure that everyone is happy around me atleast.
     Yes, at times I do get annoyed but, that does not mean that my smile is not there for the rest of the night. I love smiling because I am usually cheerful. I cannot just show other people that I am sad because I am hardly ever sad. Yes, at times for me it is hard to differentiate between reality and my dreams for me because I cannot take reality easily. I love smiling no matter what. Even when I do some sort of things that my parents or others do not like and they scold me for doing those activities, I just say sorry but I am still cheerful and not grumpy or angry at them at all.
As a human at times I do get annoyed but my annoying attitude is not permanent. Nor does it last for more than an hour. Being cheerful just makes me a person that is smiling all the time and a person who is happy all the time. Teachers also like to comment on me for being so cheerful. At times, my friends tend to get annoyed because I am smiling and I am cheerful all the time. I always like to make people happy no matter what they are going through or even I am going through. My smile is always there and hopefully people will enjoy my smile and not get annoyed with my smiley face. 

Thursday 24 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 23

What do you hope to accomplish within the next ten years? Explain.
            To fulfill my dreams is what I would like to do within the next ten years. I have had a dream and that is to become a Pediatrician, for over ten years now. I am already in 11th grade and would really want myself to accomplish my dreams within the next ten years.
            It does take lots of effort to accomplish the dream that I have had for over ten years, but I know for sure that I AM going to accomplish that dream because I know that is why I am here on the earth for. Since I was a child, my parents always found me playing games with my friends that were usually medical related, and especially about how I took care of Children. I am still fond of babies and Children and I do desire to be around kids and work with them and take care of them, especially when they are sick.
            I myself have been experienced enough to know the pain as a child and that sometimes is unbearable and I would really want children to not suffer the pain. I would try and want to make their lives happy and although it is impossible a bit sick free life. Or if, they are diseased by any chance, I would not want them to suffer. And having these types of Goal I would really want to become a pediatrician and help out children who are suffering.
            Hoping to fulfill my dreams in the next ten years, I also hope that, lives of children will be saved even more. Having the passion for Children, and knowing the pain that they bear, hopefully, I do get to accomplish my dream about becoming a pediatrician within the next 10 years.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 22

Should college students be required to take physical education courses? Why or why not?
            The world is supposed to have freedom because of its diverseness. And before going to college, usually, a person turns 18 years old. And 18 years old means to become an adult, and that is the time when, kids grow up and they leave their families to be on their own. As adults, college students should have the freedom to choose their own courses, and I personally think that if physical education is a requirement, then that is just a waste of the freedom and that shows that our world has no choice of freedom.
            Yes, people may say that it is good to keep yourself fit, but that does not have anything to do with making the physical education compulsory for the students in the college. College students are smart enough to make their own choices, which may be healthy choice or may not be healthy. If they chose to do some course of physical education then, it is fine because it is what they want and is not a requirement.
            Students that are excited to go to college because one gets their own freedom to not take any course of physical education like me will be disappointed if, there is requirement in taking the course of physical education. And that may be one of the new reasons that a college person may become a dropout. And that would make that person’s life miserable because they are the ones that are going to become leader in that upcoming generation.
            Therefore, I personally think that having physical education courses in college, as requirement does not make sense and that may lead students into wrong direction. Unless, a person wants to take that course then, it is okay but as our world is a free world, freedom is important no matter what, when, why and how.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 21

If you could invent something, what would it be, and why? (University of Virginia)

            It would have been so great for me to have a duplicate person of myself. How would she come though? That is my question.
            Well, if I could invent something, I would invent a machine that would make a copy of myself including my brain and my total ability and the same type of mood that I have except that, person would be a lot more faster than I am now. I would want someone like me so that I would be less stressed out and would have more time to my real self at the same time, gain more knowledge because I have two person getting information for myself.
            As it sounds, I would want my duplicate to be a lot much faster than I am, so that I would be able to do much work in less amount of time. And, also at the same time, I would want myself to be rested enough for at least a day. And that my copy and me would be able to take turns to take rest and get knowledge whenever our brains are fresh. I am sure that my invention of that machine would help me become lot smarter than I am now because of my refreshed brain that gains all the knowledge.
            I personally also think that this invention would although, make the population of the world even more if, everyone got to use it. Therefore, I would want to have that machine just to myself, and not let the world know about that machine. I would use that machine probably to make lots of copies of myself rather than one so that, the amount of work that I would be able to do in short period of time would be a lot. So, I would want to invent that machine and make sure that it is only for me and that, I would be able to destroy it anytime I want. And doing so I would save lots of time.

Monday 21 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 20

· Do you think that you have the qualifications of a good parent? Discuss.
            Being a parent is easy, but being a good parent is hard. Being a good parent requires lots of skills and effort. I personally do not think that I am yet qualified to become a good parent. I do have plans on how would I take care of my child, but those plans are something that I say but I know for sure that I am not ready to fulfill the qualities that a good parent requires.
            If I happen to be a parent, then it is obvious that I will not be able to have the qualities that I have to become a good parent, because I am not fully experienced, neither am I well educated to be a good parent. I as a child have relatively good parent or that is what I think the qualities of good parent is. And, comparing myself to my parents, I feel like I am immature, and I am not ready to take responsibilities.
            I personally think that parents need to set an example and I do not think that I am prepared go set an example to the children. I personally believe that the way that one behaves and deals with other people is what he or she is going to do with their child. Yes, no one is perfect and he or she will learn after he or she goes through all those experiences. And I know that I sometimes cannot deal with people in a healthy manner, which means that I do not qualify to become a parent.
            The fact that I cannot set a good example even in front of other people makes me a person who cannot be a good parent. And because of the reasons like my immaturity make me a bad parent. And that makes me a person who is not yet ready to become a good parent. 

30-300-30 No. 20

· Do you think that you have the qualifications of a good parent? Discuss.
            Being a parent is easy, but being a good parent is hard. Being a good parent requires lots of skills and effort. I personally do not think that I am yet qualified to become a good parent. I do have plans on how would I take care of my child, but those plans are something that I say but I know for sure that I am not ready to fulfill the qualities that a good parent requires.
            If I happen to be a parent, then it is obvious that I will not be able to have the qualities that I have to become a good parent, because I am not fully experienced, neither am I well educated to be a good parent. I as a child have relatively good parent or that is what I think the qualities of good parent is. And, comparing myself to my parents, I feel like I am immature, and I am not ready to take responsibilities.
            I personally think that parents need to set an example and I do not think that I am prepared go set an example to the children. I personally believe that the way that one behaves and deals with other people is what he or she is going to do with their child. Yes, no one is perfect and he or she will learn after he or she goes through all those experiences. And I know that I sometimes cannot deal with people in a healthy manner, which means that I do not qualify to become a parent.
            The fact that I cannot set a good example even in front of other people makes me a person who cannot be a good parent. And because of the reasons like my immaturity make me a bad parent. And that makes me a person who is not yet ready to become a good parent. 

30-300-30 No. 20

· Do you think that you have the qualifications of a good parent? Discuss.
            Being a parent is easy, but being a good parent is hard. Being a good parent requires lots of skills and effort. I personally do not think that I am yet qualified to become a good parent. I do have plans on how would I take care of my child, but those plans are something that I say but I know for sure that I am not ready to fulfill the qualities that a good parent requires.
            If I happen to be a parent, then it is obvious that I will not be able to have the qualities that I have to become a good parent, because I am not fully experienced, neither am I well educated to be a good parent. I as a child have relatively good parent or that is what I think the qualities of good parent is. And, comparing myself to my parents, I feel like I am immature, and I am not ready to take responsibilities.
            I personally think that parents need to set an example and I do not think that I am prepared go set an example to the children. I personally believe that the way that one behaves and deals with other people is what he or she is going to do with their child. Yes, no one is perfect and he or she will learn after he or she goes through all those experiences. And I know that I sometimes cannot deal with people in a healthy manner, which means that I do not qualify to become a parent.
            The fact that I cannot set a good example even in front of other people makes me a person who cannot be a good parent. And because of the reasons like my immaturity make me a bad parent. And that makes me a person who is not yet ready to become a good parent. 

30-300-30 No. 20

· Do you think that you have the qualifications of a good parent? Discuss.
            Being a parent is easy, but being a good parent is hard. Being a good parent requires lots of skills and effort. I personally do not think that I am yet qualified to become a good parent. I do have plans on how would I take care of my child, but those plans are something that I say but I know for sure that I am not ready to fulfill the qualities that a good parent requires.
            If I happen to be a parent, then it is obvious that I will not be able to have the qualities that I have to become a good parent, because I am not fully experienced, neither am I well educated to be a good parent. I as a child have relatively good parent or that is what I think the qualities of good parent is. And, comparing myself to my parents, I feel like I am immature, and I am not ready to take responsibilities.
            I personally think that parents need to set an example and I do not think that I am prepared go set an example to the children. I personally believe that the way that one behaves and deals with other people is what he or she is going to do with their child. Yes, no one is perfect and he or she will learn after he or she goes through all those experiences. And I know that I sometimes cannot deal with people in a healthy manner, which means that I do not qualify to become a parent.
            The fact that I cannot set a good example even in front of other people makes me a person who cannot be a good parent. And because of the reasons like my immaturity make me a bad parent. And that makes me a person who is not yet ready to become a good parent. 

30-300-30 No. 20

· Do you think that you have the qualifications of a good parent? Discuss.
            Being a parent is easy, but being a good parent is hard. Being a good parent requires lots of skills and effort. I personally do not think that I am yet qualified to become a good parent. I do have plans on how would I take care of my child, but those plans are something that I say but I know for sure that I am not ready to fulfill the qualities that a good parent requires.
            If I happen to be a parent, then it is obvious that I will not be able to have the qualities that I have to become a good parent, because I am not fully experienced, neither am I well educated to be a good parent. I as a child have relatively good parent or that is what I think the qualities of good parent is. And, comparing myself to my parents, I feel like I am immature, and I am not ready to take responsibilities.
            I personally think that parents need to set an example and I do not think that I am prepared go set an example to the children. I personally believe that the way that one behaves and deals with other people is what he or she is going to do with their child. Yes, no one is perfect and he or she will learn after he or she goes through all those experiences. And I know that I sometimes cannot deal with people in a healthy manner, which means that I do not qualify to become a parent.
            The fact that I cannot set a good example even in front of other people makes me a person who cannot be a good parent. And because of the reasons like my immaturity make me a bad parent. And that makes me a person who is not yet ready to become a good parent. 

Sunday 20 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 19

·  Write about something that is important to you. (Hope College)
             The community that I live in is important for me. I live in Dorms at an international school, and this is the most important place for me because, this is where I am at the moment. The community that I live in is important because, where I live is very isolated, at the same time there are people in this place and I am part of this small community therefore, this community is important for me.
            This place where I live is very important to me because this is where I belong. And whenever something happens that is not nice, then, that makes me sad because it is very important to me. Living in a community where there are students from many different countries is a big opportunity and that is one of the reasons that make this community important to me. I care about my surrounding a lot because I know that I will have to live in a particular area. And I like places, where there is some sort of harmony amongst people.
            Community is important for me therefore, I really want the community to be peaceful. Yes, there are some times when seeking peace seems to be impossible in the community I would really want to have some sort of harmony amongst people that live around me so that, there are less problem in the society which would then harm the world less.
I care about my community so much that I think of improving my society and community. I really want my community to set an example to the world, but it seems to be possible. Although, knowing that it is going to be impossible, I have hope and I will for sure strive and achieve to make my community important to the world. 

Saturday 19 November 2011

30-300-30 no. 18

· If you were to write a book, on what theme or subject matter would it be based, and why? (Stanford/93)
If I were to write book on a certain theme, then my theme would be about life. People around the world go through different phases of life and even I myself have been through a lot of them in my sixteen years of life.
            I would write about a certain character that goes through these crazy phases in life that would kind of bind almost everything that every person faces in his or her life. I would also write about how that person went through this deadly phase that no one in the world ever goes through. I would write this book to make the reader also know that life is full of adventure and that it has both ups and downs. I would also want the reader to familiar with that imaginary person and somewhat relate to whoever that person is.
            I would write that book in a realistic yet, unrealistic manner to let the reader also be part of the book while reading it. I would make it a bit of thriller at the same time realistic so that the reader would not be able to differentiate between the real and unreal events that happen in the book. I would want the reader to start the book and make sure that they complete the book in one go.
            As the book would be based on life, I would want the reader to enjoy the story and get into the book and because of that, I would want the readers to read my other books that I would most probably publish after reading that book. And I would want the book to be sold in different parts of the world, and I would also want the book to be translated in different languages.

Friday 18 November 2011

30-300-30 no. 17

If money and family obligations left you entirely free, how and where would you spend the summer before college?

            If money and family obligations left me, then I would spend my summer by going around the world. I would most probably try and go to every continent possible. I would most probably go around the world, not just to have fun, but also to help poor people around the world.
            I love traveling and traveling around the world has been one of my dreams. I love enjoying the different beauties that varies in this world from place to place. I have learned to appreciate all the positive things around, so that would make my travel even more interesting and fun for me. I would love to travel in a motorbike all by myself and would want to be the first woman from my country, Nepal to do that sort of activity. I would love to travel and get into different countries and take lots of pictures from everywhere.
            I would at the same time, love to see the natural beauty from each of the continent I visit and try and learn about something new in every continent I go to.  I would want to explore different countries, go to different hemisphere and experience winter during summer in places like Australia, and some parts of Africa as well. I would use my summer to learn about things around the world that I could relate to myself.
            While going around the world, I would also want to pick a place to go to, after my college. I would also want to see the different animals, insects found while I would bike. And if, my bike broke on the way, then, I would buy another one that I liked and exchange it with the one I had. And by traveling I would earn money from people, while I stopped and sang in random places around the world.

Thursday 17 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 16

 Explain why and how you would, if given the opportunity, change a decision you made in the past. (Salisbury State)

If I was given the opportunity of changing a decision, that I made in the past, then, that would be to take care of myself properly. Taking care of myself would be the best thing that I personally think that I should have done in the past. Although, I could do that now, I think I think that I have missed out a lot in taking care of myself.
            I seem to be a person that is carefree about myself. And yes, I was and that was the biggest mistake that I have ever made in my life because, now I have understood about how taking care of self is very important. Taking care of others that are around us is important, but that does not mean that a person should not take care of himself or herself.
            If I never ate junk food like I used to eat, then I know for sure that I would have been in a much better condition now. And if I had cared about studying hard from the beginning, then, that would have made my things easier for me and that would as well as have benefited me considerably. Also, if I had actually cared about myself enough, to keep my body in good health, then I would not have been suffering with frequent colds and cough that I get in this high altitude.
            If I were to make changes in those sectors of my life, I would have a disciplined schedule that I would follow. I would eat healthy food in order to keep myself healthy. I would not consume much junk. I would study really hard that I would have to make my mother stop me from studying. I would go for fitness as well to keep my body in shape. These are the things that I would do if I were given an opportunity to go in the past and changed my decisions of eating junk food, not exercising, not studying hard. And that would have ,made a huge difference in my present. 

Wednesday 16 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 15

Tell about the most unforgettable experience you've ever had.
            The most unforgettable incident I had is with my two other friends during quarter break, when not many people were at dorms, as they went home. It was the three of us who decided to have a pasta feast for dinner.
            We went to bazaar to buy our groceries, which took us a long time. Our bags were full of groceries, which made our walking back time even longer. So, finally we reached dorms. We let our bags down and we planned on cooking from 4.00 pm and it was just around 3.00 pm. We were excited to cook. Then, all of us were in the kitchen, chopping the vegetables and waiting or our chicken to de-frost. It took us very long to chop the vegetables because of the kitchen, as it was small, and we only had one knife to chop up lots of vegetables. We started boiling our different pasta including spaghettis, and that was really time consuming mostly because of the altitude of where we live.
            Finally after spending a little more than four hour, our food was almost ready except the chicken was to cook for a little longer. Finally, our food was ready. We thought we would have never been able to finish up because; the amount we cooked was a lot and seemed impossible to be finished by the three of us. We just left the food in the pots and took it into one of our rooms, then we wanted some drinks, so, we got sprite and coke to go along with the food. We were discussing about how we were going to finish up the food, and then we slowly started eating. None of us were talking, but were just eating continuously. It was after about 10 minutes that we realized that, the three of us managed to eat everything in 10 minutes.
            It was hard for us to even move our body as, we ate over ate. And we were shocked and that led us into 10 minute of silence then a burst of laughter. And, that fun that we had is hard to forget and all of us still do remember that time and make fun of it. 

Tuesday 15 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 14

Imagine yourself being an actor/actress. Tell about your feelings before the opening night of the performance where you play the title role.
            For many years, I always am interested in being a part of a play or a drama. I always wanted to be a part of theatre although; I have never been into one yet. And having a title role would be one of my dreams that I would be happy to have it achieved.
“Okay this is it, but am I ready? I hope people like me?” would be the types of question that would rise in my mind at the same time I would be the most nervous actress. I would for sure be proud of my hard work. I would be in a great mixture of feelings.
My first feelings would be that if this play would make my parents proud of me for what I am doing. I would be very nervous if there were scenes that were more likely that I would make a mistake in and I would keep on practicing that. I would feel extremely nervous and for that reason I would call my director and just talk with him or her and ask him or her the last minute question about how I could do better on the stage.
            My feeling of happiness would be there because I would know that I would be entertaining people. At the same time, after the amount of effort, which would be a lot, would give me joy. And for the title role that I would have would make me proud of myself. And to be a part of some act would make me feel like I have accomplished a part of my dream. I would be nervous yet; I would try my best to overcome my nervousness with my feelings of pleasure thinking that I would be famous and have my dreams accomplished in the sector if theatre.

Monday 14 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 13

What would you like to study? Describe your academic interests.

            Few years back, I was shocked to hear that a baby that I knew passed away and that was because of his medical condition. I was sad by the sudden death of a baby and wanted to know what exactly was wrong with his health and that was the day when I had a new dream and that was to become a pediatrician. And I know that to fulfill that dream, I have to study hard as well as never lose my hope to help babies like the boy I knew to live a longer life.
            With that dream of mine, I have been particularly interested in science especially Biology. As, biology covers materials that include disorders of the human bodies. I love studying about humans that includes genetics. Recently, I watched a movie called GATTACA and that was about making babies without any defects. And that inspired me even more to work by becoming a pediatrician, especially with helping parents to have perfect babies who would not die living a short life of about a year or so. And to make that dream become possible I know that I have to work hard.
            Knowing just a little from the Biology class that I have been taking fascinates me, and I want to learn more and more about it. For me, Biology seems to be a subject that just reveals the truth about nature and it also sometimes reveals solutions to problems that already exist. And because of the existing problems like the health issue of the baby, I would want to find out solutions for babies that are yet to come with the same issues like the baby I know.
            Because of the dreams that I want to achieve, I am interested in taking Biology particularly the one that includes genetics and is related to human body. And make sure that babies get to see what the world is like.

Sunday 13 November 2011

13th nov 30-300-30

Hiking to Understanding.

 Longest walk that a man can do is hiking yet; we can learn few things from Hiking. The school that I attend at the moment encourages as well as force the student to go for Hiking. I personally have been to many hikes because of this school and I have learned about important things that people should know if they are planning on going for hikes.
            One of the many things I learned during hiking is that Hiking is tiring and boring if you are forced when you do not want to go, but at the same time Hiking can be very fun and not tiring at all if you are willing to go. From which I learned that people should go for hiking only when they are willing to walk for hours. People who cannot stand NOT taking showers for many days should not risk themselves to go for hikes because it can be impossible to take showers if you are going for long hikes, especially in the high altitude where there is no one other than your own hiking team.
            I learned that people who love hiking and can tolerate without showers for days also need some tips that I learned from going for hikes. I learned that taking a water bottle with some kind of water purifier is important so that a person does not get sick at night. From my experience in the high altitude, I learned that keeping yourself warm is important at the same time making sure that a person keeps their water bottle inside the sleeping bag at night would prevent from freezing of water for the next day. I also learned an important lesson in the high altitude about how a person should always carry a head light with extra batteries so that if one freezes and stops working then the other battery is there to make sure that the head light works.
            The important lessons in hikes may seem very common but they are very useful for hikes. And personally I would never ever go for hikes when I do not want to. And if I want to go for hikes, I will make sure that my backpack consists of extra batteries, water purifier, warm clothes, and a good sleeping bag.

Saturday 12 November 2011


6. If you were to look back on your high school years, what advice would you give to someone beginning his or her high school career? (Simmons)

The thing that I would suggest someone who is about to high school would be to make those years full of memories. To make many friends, having fun, yet to pay attention to their academics. I would want to suggest them to make sure that they would enjoy it and enjoy it to its fullest.
         Spending few years in high school has taught myself many lesson about how to enjoy even the most boring times at high school, and I would want to make sure that a new high school kid would learn the same thing as I did. I may not have been the smartest kid in the school; I did learn to give importance to my academics than before. I would want the kid to know that academics do make a huge difference in your life because of high school.
         I would want to make sure that the person whoever is going to high school to have lots of fun in those years and make it memorable and enjoyable with friends. And I would want to let the person know that getting into trouble during high school would cause lots of problems in the future. And I would really want to encourage that person to take part in many activities including their junior and senior years because, they would learn a lot from it and not just learn but that would make their high school years more memorable because of the event that takes place.
         As of what I have experienced, I would want people to make those years important and meaningful with plenty of experiences in different sectors. And to make sure that their activities and their academics are all balanced. I would suggest him or her to have many friends so that it would make their lives a lot easier throughout high school

Friday 11 November 2011

·  You’ve just written a 300-page autobiography. Send us page 217. (University of Pennsylvania)

         She came in screaming, and that was the point that I felt that I had to do something. I was trying my best to think about what would be the best thing to do at that moment. I knew something was going to be terrible no matter what I did. I knew this would be my last chance of showing the world that I was capable of something that no one was.
         I rushed into the area where Jack was sitting and seemed like he was not aware of anything. I tried and asked him about what was going on, yet, he seemed like he was lost. That point I knew that he was going through serious trauma. I tried to call Carrie but her screaming would not stop because of what both Jack and Carrie had to see. I was feeling hopeless, yet I aw some glimpse of hope in the middle of nowhere.
         Jack and Carrie clamed down a little, but now Carrie started crying after all, all of us were lost and we loosed many of our dear friends. I tried making a fire in the middle of nowhere, but it seemed to be impossible, as I could find nothing other than the green trees and footprints of animals. I was scared myself, although I knew that I was the strong one and that I had to save my friends Jack and Carrie no matter what. I went back to see how Jack and Carrie were doing. It was getting dark and we had to get a fire going on to keep ourselves warm. As I had been to lots of camping and learned about outdoor education, I started thinking about what we learned about fire. I realized that using stones was a great idea. I started to light the fire, I knew we had to somehow get rescued. And I decided to make the fire visible so that someone would be able to find us. I tried making it and it did light after all, but no one seemed to be there in that isolated area of the World. Despite the fact that we were tired, I knew that taking turns to sleep was important for our safety issues.
         That was the point when I realized that although, I may be a person who has been educated well enough, and I was helpless without resources. I was unable to do things that I used to think I would do if I were in that situation. And then the night passed by.

Thursday 10 November 2011

30-300-30 no. 9

Talk about how a person can change his direction.
            Change in direction is normal and that is what we humans do all the time. Change in direction could be something that is simple to someone, but it could be complicated for some. However every person does change his or her direction in his or her lives.
            Everyone does come across some change in their directions in their lives maybe a major one or a minor one. As a human there are changes at some point in their lives, which causes a person to change their direction. Lots of students do change their majors at college and that is a major one. Lots of people shop a lot and they like to window shop. Some people making up minds to shop something ends up buying something that is different and that is also a change in their directions. Even in simple matter like planning on something like, you want to buy something and you are about to buy that stuff but, you decide that you want something else by the time that you are actually able to buy is also an example that we humans do a lot.
            People in the world do change their minds that make them change the direction that they are heading towards. In fact, in ones life, he or she undergoes through many changes that may or may not be optional. A person does go through changes at some point in their lives and that change could impact them a lot in their lives and those types of change could be like about deciding a career. Or a change in their lives about their lifestyle could be some of the changes that a person could change in their lives.
            Some changes that could make a huge difference or the changes that would not affect someone’s life at all are after all change in the direction of how one lives.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 8

What single adjective do you think would be most frequently used to describe you by those who know you best? Briefly explain. (Stanford)
            The adjective that I think would be most frequently used to describe myself would be Jaunty. I am the type of person who is always happy and lively no matter what is going on around me. I like to keep the whole environment happy and cheerful, and for that I have been successful. People who know me well can call me Jaunty because of whom I am inside and that has been reflected in my action as well.
            My friends can call be jaunty because of what I reflect to them. I may be feeling low at times, but I still keep the environment jolly and happy. People often ask me if I get angry with others because they never see me down. And my friends also ask me about how am I never tired of being lively and cheerful at times. I myself sometimes, question myself about why am I extremely cheerful, and that amazes me.
            My family; that includes my relatives, thinks that I am cheerful too. And it is not just my friends who think that I am cheerful most of the time. It is the same case with my family; they question me about why am I very happy. Sometimes they suspect that I have done something wrong, but that would not be true, it is because of who I am. Even with my family members, my liveliness always surpasses my down side all the time. I do get angry at times, nevertheless, I get back to being cheerful in matter of short period of time itself.
            The adjective Jaunty would therefore be the one to describe me by the people who know me well because of who I am. And the fact that people question me repeatedly about why I am very cheerful at time makes me a cheerful person and Jaunty would therefore be the best adjective to describe me.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 7

What outrages you? (Wake Forest)
I do not get outraged easily because I am cheerful most of the time. Although, as a human, I do get outraged sometimes and that is when theft happens at our dorms. I cannot stand when theft happens although, there is nothing much to do about it.
            We live in a community where people from different parts of the world come because where I come from is an international school. We all come and study and are a group of a small family. And it seems to be impossible for some people to understand about these matters. And instead of stealing I find it very annoying about how people do not understand about how they could ask others about the things that they want or they wish to have and they could have it without hurting the other person. And at the same time I find it very upsetting as well because the other person is getting hurt.
            Some people do have some types of psychological conditions but they get treated, but with people that do not have any of psychological or medical conditions should teach themselves about self control and they need to learn about how asking is an option. I personally get extremely outraged to see a person miserable because someone else stole from him or her and the thing that got stolen was precious to them. In a small community like where I live, students should try and stop stealing if they are because; they are hurting other people and that is unacceptable from my opinion. And the fact that people are stealing from the members of the same family really makes me upset.
            And because of the amount of stealing that has been going on, outrages me to the point, where I wished that there were no such thing as theft or stealing in the world. And I wish to use my anger to do something good, so that the stealing stops.

Monday 7 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 6

If you had a day to spend as you wish, how would you use your time? (Carleton College)

If I had a day to spend as I wished, then I would make the day productive and interesting. I would most probably wake up a little later than I usually do which would be around 8.30 am in the morning. I would try and make it very unusual.
            Most probably, instead of doing things normally I would love to do something that is out of the ordinary from my routine.  I would most likely not have right meals at right time. I am sure that I would have dinner or snacks instead of my brunch. Then, I would go out in a peaceful place, taking my guitar and my book along with me. Then, I would meditate on that very place for about an hour by playing my guitar and reading a book that I like.
            Depending upon the season, I would love to do the activity that would be the opposite of that season, example if it was winter, I would want to swim in cold water. Then, if it was summer then, I would most probably take out my snow board and try and play with it in a steep mountain. I would use the net but it would be for my personal pleasure and to learn how to play the guitar. Something useful I would do would be trying and polishing up my guitar skills. I would also want to experiment with food by cooking the food without looking at recipes. I would most probably go out for a bike ride for sometime just enjoying and listening to the voice of nature. And I would want to go to bed early, right after a long good shower.
            These sorts of activities that are crazy and unusual would be the type of activities that I would want to do for the day that I could spend like I wished for. Although, I may not be able to swim on winter or, snowboard without the snow, I would want to do the rest of the activities and spend my own day that would be full of pleasure.

Sunday 6 November 2011

30-300-30 No. ^^

   If you had the gift of telepathy, the ability to read other people’s minds, would you use this gift or not? Explain.
If I did have the gift of telepathy, I would not use the gift because, that would mess things up with me. I would not use the gift because I would know so many things about people that I would not want to know as well. I think that the gift that I would get would have been the worst gift that I would want. Although, I would to have this gift sometimes.
            As I love surprises, most probably, the gift of telepathy would ruin it and I would be extremely sad to know the surprise before hand. And there would be a lot of things that I would not want to know especially, something bad about someone who I love and myself. Having the gift of telepathy would most probably make my life harder and more depressing and would for sure spoil things around because I would have too much information going inside my head.
            If I would want the gift that would be when, someone has a secret that I need to know but they are hiding it from me. And to know what teachers think about me would be the reason that I would want the gift. And the other reason that I would want the gift would be to read my Brother’s mind. Those are the only few reasons that I would want the gift of telepathy.
            The gift of telepathy as a whole would not be my favorite gift that I would have. As, it would not be my favorite gift, I would not use it a lot except for the few things mentioned. And those are the reason that I would not use the gift of telepathy.

Saturday 5 November 2011

30-300-30 No. 4

How do you feel about Wednesday? (U of Chicago)

            Typical Monday is when everybody is refreshed after the weekend, then Tuesday is just another regular day for me. Wednesday on the other hand sometimes is frustrating and sometimes fun yet, I feel like I am trapped or stuck in the middle of something. It is neither close to start of the school or just a normal Friday night when I like to sleep knowing that the next day is when you can wake up anytime you want.
            Wednesdays are the day usually when teachers give most of the homework and that makes it a little frustrating because the next day I always feel like coming back from school and sleeping but that is impossible because the day after Wednesday is Friday when my works are due typically. I am happy waiting for weekend that is the day after Wednesday yet, I feel stuck as your in the middle of a week cycle and that can be frustrating as it is neither a fresh start or an end to that particular week. Just thinking that it is Wednesday has some sort of psychological effect on me therefore I feel very stressed on Wednesdays.
            Wednesday is the day that I always think is frustrating and annoying because it is in the middle of the week, especially when I am overloaded with work that I need to accomplish by the next day. I personally always want Wednesdays to get over soon so that it is Thursday then eventually Friday finally; I get the sleep that I desire.
            Eventually, not enjoying Wednesdays does not change anything as; it comes and goes according to its own time. Therefore, learning how to adjust in time and the fact that time flies by quickly, seems to be important lesson especially on Wednesdays when I feel like I am stuck in the middle of nowhere.