Thursday 20 October 2011

Post !: Bad bosses

By Nyasa Times Reporter
September 23, 2011 
This article is about a romantic affair that was going between the workers of the same office. Hlazo Nyiendra the boss of the human resource officer and Sekaninge Msiska his co-worker. The affair did go far until when the girl Sekaninge Msiska also the human resource officer, turned down the marriage proposal from Hlazo Nyiendra. Nyiendra was married before as well. Msiska, then went to Nyiendra’ s ex-wife and fought with her for reasons that were not practical and that was a little too much for Nyiendra to handle. He wanted to commit suicide and yes he did try and commit suicide trying to burn him because of what had happened. Nyiendra was inside his car locked up in Chickwawa road. And people were suspicious therefore the police came and reported that he was about to burn himself. And then they had to break his window and, they found out that he was burnt in his arms so he was rushed to the hospital. 

This article that I read kind of reminded me of the book called One flew over the cuckoo’s nest by Ken Kesey. I found out that this relates to what had happened to one of the character from the book. Although, the book is not reality that took place, this book and articles does seem to be similar. Billy Bibbit, a character from the book One flew over the cuckoo’s nest also, committed suicide because of the threat that he also had because of who he liked. Both these articles realte to eacth other are both of the article is about committing suicide after their (Billy Bibbit and Nyiendra) lovers came to their lives. I think both the stories have something common in them and that is death. This shows that the society consists of people with different level of emotional and the people with less strong emotion will need help. 
Vocab word 1: Ablaze
1) An office romance gone sour has landed a Business Development Manager at Total Malawi in the intensive care unit after a failed attempt to set himself ablaze inside his official car, according to Friday’s sensational  tabloid. 
2) Ablaze: Burning fiercely. (adjective)
3) Ablaze: After he got an F in AP English class, his eyes were ablaze with anger.  

Vocab word 2: Jilted
1) Feeling jilted, Nyirenda drove on the Chikhwawa Road where he packed the vehicle and locked himself inside.
2)Jilted: To deceive or drop (a lover) suddenly or callously.
3)Jilted: Fayza was got jilted after what had happed to her.
Vocab 3 word: Sustained:
Nyirenda, who sustained burns in the arms, was rushed to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital who later informed his employees.
Sustained: To suffer.
He was sustained after the accident.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the real connection between this article and the novel is that love makes people do crazy things.
